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Dr. Shyji
Dr. Shyji completed his B.Tech (1997), M.Tech (2001) and PhD (2019) in Mechanical Engineering from University of Kerala. He joied the college in March 2001 as Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and is continuing as Associate professor. During his past 22 years of service in the college, he enjoyed the duties of the Convenor-Centre for continuing Education(CCE), Member - Academic Council, Member - TEQIP committee, Head - Innovation Centre for the retrofitting of the Diesel bus to Electric Bus, member - PG Board of Studies(KTU), representative of KTU - PG Board of studies of Mar Baselios College of Engineering etc. He is a life member of ISTE and ISHMT. He has a quite pretty number of technical publications in International Journals and presented topics in International Conferences.
Email ID : shyjis@sctce.ac.in
Phone No : 9447310825
Qualification : Ph.D
Designation : Associate Professor& Dean (Student Affairs)