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Our Institution is providing very good facilities for the development of sports
activities among the students. The entire sports activities of the college is coordinated by the
sports committee headed by Principal. Convenor of the committee will be a faculty
nominated by Principal during every academic year. The committee members are also
nominated by principal among faculties and other supporting staff of the institution. Present
convenor is Dr. Arun M. Assistant Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.
Apart from this as per KTU statute a sports council also functioning in the college.
The convenor of the committee is faculty in charge of sports activity. The members are two
elected members from staff, sports secretary of the college and two student members.
Institution is having a Basketball court, Badminton court, Volley ball court, Nets for practicing cricket and a practice facility for Hand ball. Students are permitted to practice in various turfs located nearby the institution whenever required.
There is a Physical Education Officer is appointed in the college on contract basis from PTA to take care of sports activities. Mr. Sanclin Nelson who is specialized in basketball is holding the position currently. The appointment of this post is taken care by the PTA. Apart from this hand ball team is provided with a coach during championship seasons. Mr. Athul S S Nair is holding the present position of handball team coach.
Our team participated in the KTU A-Zone handball tournament and was qualified for
the KTU Inter-zone handball Tournament. A team selection trials was organized in the month
of October 2022 and a team of 16 players were selected. The coaching camp was organized
in the college. The camp was handled by Coach Athul S S Nair, former handball team captain
of Govt. Arts College Trivandrum.
The coaching camp prior to the A-zone tournament started on October 22. The camp
was later shifted to VHSS Nemom. Practice was done in the morning. Several practice
matches were organized with several teams from Trivandrum. Also University Handball
players and Kerala Handball team players assisted in the coaching camp. The KTU A-Zone
tournament was held on November 14, 2022. Coaching camp prior to Inter-zone started on
November 20.
The team was led by 3 rd year student Mr. Govind K (Captain) , Abhishek H (Vice-Captain)
Handball team with KTU-A Zone Runner UP Trophy
Our college football team has exhibited very good performances in various championships. Team secured 3 rd place in KTU- A Zone championship and won the championship of TKM intercollegiate tournament 2022-23. The team was lead final year student Mr. Akash P.
Champions-TKM Foot Ball tournament-SOMBRERO
Our basketball team were the 2 nd runner up in KTU-A zone championship and able to won the intercollegiate tournament conducted by Mohandas College of Engineering. The team was lead by final year student Mr. Nithin Sreekumar. Mr. Nithin was also a member of KTU Basketball team and represented the university in south zone basketball championship.
KTU-A Zone Basketball-2 nd Runner UP
Champions- Intercollegiate tournament of Mohandas College of Engg.
Our college team were the first runner up of KTU A Zone cricket tournament and qualified for KTU Inter-zone cricket tournament.The team leas by final year student Mr. Ananad
Cricket team with Runners UP trophy of KTU- A-zone
Our Kho-Kho team participated in the KTU A zone championship and secured the 3 rd position.
Kho-Kho team Second Runner UP
Our 26 athletes participated in KTU- Athletic meet held at Chandrasekharan Nair Stadium. Mr. Nithin S of fourth semester Automobile Engineering secured bronze medal in Discuss Throw Men.
Our women volley ball team participated in the KTU-Inter zone volleyball championship at TKM College of Engineering Kollam. Men team also participated in the KTU-Inter Zone championship.
Our KABADI men team participated in the KTU A-Zone tournament. Adarsh K (M7) Sai Rishikesh (U7) Pranav V P (U3) were selected to participate in KTU Inter zone championship.
Our women Badminton team secured 4 th Position in KTU A-Zone Championship. Adarsh R Nair (T7) , Gayathri U G (B7) were selected to participate in KTU Inter zone Championship at Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science.