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Crypto Ticker

  • Crypto Currency


  • Bitcoin (BTC)
    $ 10744.8
  • Ethereum (ETH)
    $ 866.163
  • Ripple (XRP)
    $ 0.930609
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
    $ 1272.08
  • Litecoin (LTC)
    $ 211.754
  • Cardano (ADA)
    $ 0.304302


The following bodies/committees will ensure the smooth functioning of the institution.

SI No. Name of the Body/Cell Faculty in Charge
1 Finance Sub Committee Principal
2 External Purchase Committee Principal
3 External Works Committee Principal
4 Internal Quality Assurance Cell Principal
5 Disciplinary Action Committee Dr.Anoop Kumar S
6 Students Grievance & Appeals Committee Principal
7 Students Welfare Committee Dr.S.H.Anil Kumar
8 Grievance Redressal Committee for Faculty and Staff Principal
9 Anti-Ragging Committee Dr.E.Jayakumar
10 Internal Complaint Committee Rejimol Robinson
11 Gender Justice Forum Dr.Soniya.B
12 SC/ST Cell Dr.Kavilal.E.G
13 Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Cell Sri. Sabu.V.R
14 Career Guidance & Placement Unit Dr. Sabu.V.R
15 NSS Unit Sri.Chitharanjan K
Sri.Baji K
16 Building, Civil & Fumiture Maintenance Dr.George M Joseph
17 Electrical, AC & Plumbing Maintenance Dr.Boby Philip
18 Transportation Sri. Rajesh.S.P
19 Library Council Dr.Abhilash.S.S
20 Research & Consultancy Projects D .Mohan. G
21 Professional Societies Smt. Asha S
22 Computer Services & Networking smt. Rejimol Robinson
23 Collie Union & Studént Activitiesincluding CULT A WAY Sri. George M Joseph
24 Canteen Committee Dr.Arun.M
25 Staff Welfare Sri. Baji.K
26 Hostel Committee Dr. Arun M
27 College Magazine, Publication & PublicRelation Dr. Gijoy.S
28 Attendance Monitoring (Staff & Students) Dr.Subu Surendran
29 AICTE Application & Accreditation Dr.Subu Surendran
30 House Keeping Smt. Ani Lawrence
31 Class/Time table Monitoring Dr.Shyji.S