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Student Funded Projects
1. The project titled “Visualization of thermal diffusivity using DHI (Digital Holographic Interferometry)” submitted by the students of T8B, Jassim Shaji, K J Abhirami, Rohith G Sharma, Sruthi B Nair under the guideship of Dr. Sheeja M K, received KTU CERD funding of Rs. 35,000/- in the year 2022-23.
2. The project titled “Lung cancer cell enhancement detection using Fourier Ptychography Microscopy” submitted by the students of T8B, Sravan H, Varun Asokan and Nivya P. S. under the guideship of Smt. Subha V, received KTU CERD funding of Rs. 20,000/- in the year 2022-23.
3. The project titled “Automated Public Distribution System using Blockchain” submitted by the students Midhun B M, Midhun M, Naveen Jo Sajan and Neelima Anilkumar, under the guideship of Dr. Lakshmi V S, received KTU CERD funding of Rs. 22,500/- in the year 2020-21.
4. The project titled “Freshness and Quality Detector for Food” submitted by the students Melan Mathew, Muhammed Fazil K P, Sharika Menon R and Vyshnavi Jayakumar K under the guideship of Sri. Nelwin Raj N R, received KSCSTE Student Project Scheme funding of Rs. 10,000/- in the year 2020-21.
5. The project titled “Smart Mask” submitted by the students Amal Prakash, Amina Sharaf S, Baladayal B S and Abhijith J, under the guideship of Smt. Preetha V H, received KSCSTE Student Project Scheme funding of Rs. 7,500/- in the year 2020-21.
6. The project titled “Smart Mask” submitted by the students Amal Prakash, Amina Sharaf S, The project titled “Vehicle Safety System With Real Time Heart attack and Drowsiness Monitoring” submitted by the students Manukulathilakan S, Sarang Shibu, Rakesh Ramesh, K. V. Prathinav under the guideship of Smt. Asha S and Sri. Sajith Sethu P, received KTU CERD funding of Rs. 37,000/- in the year 2019-20 and KSCSTE Student Project Scheme funding of Rs. 10,000/- in the year 2019-20.