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Funded Projects (Faculties)
Funded projects are of utmost importance for the biotechnology department as they play a crucial role in driving scientific advancements and innovations in various fields. Some of the key funded projects are listed below. Department banks more than 12 crores through funded projects
1. EEnvironmental Bioremediation lab for Investigation on the Degradation of Polyethylene in and Around Trivandrum City by using Consortium of Fungal Biomass (For 55 Lakhs)-Principlal Investigator-Prof Gayathri V
Contemplates the degradation of polyethylene using a consortium of fungi solely through biological methods as an alternative to chemical and catalytic methods. Focuses on developing methods that are sustainable, cost-effective, and cause fewer changes in the ecological cycle.
2. Development of a Biofuel Laboratory to conduct Pilot-scale studies on the Economic Production of Bio-Ethanol from Cassava for Petrol Blending in the Transport Sector. (For 93 Lakhs)-Principal Investigator-Dr. Rohini S & Dr. Ani Lawrence
Cassava (tapioca) is a promising raw material for bioethanol production to meet India’s Ethanol Blending Petrol (EBP) program target of 2025. The unique properties of cassava such as its high starch content, physio-chemical and functional properties, and its growth under manageable conditions augment its potential for bioethanol production. In the present condition, there exists a marked gap between the available ethanol production and its expected demand in the transportation sector. Thus, the proposed project contributes equally to rectifying the deficiency of biofuel in the transport sector and to the development of the agriculture segment of our nation.
3. Establishment of Microbial Process Laboratory for Applied Research on Soil Rehabilitation as a Corrective Disaster Mitigation Strategy for Erosion-prone Landscapes (50 Lakhs)-Principal Investigator- Prof. Biju Jacob
4. Establishment of an advanced research lab for gaseous biofuels in transportation (1 crore) - Principal investigator - Prof. Biju Jacob
5. Establishment of a Hydrogen Generator and Dispensing Unit to study the Performance, Operational issues, and Safety to cater to the e-mobility sector – (9.33 crores) Principal investigator - Dr K B Radhakrishnan (2020-2022)
Overall, funded projects are critical for the advancement of biotechnology, as they enable research, development, and implementation of innovative solutions that have a positive impact on various aspects of human life and the environment.
Student Projects
Student projects in the biotechnology (BT) department hold significant importance as they provide numerous benefits and opportunities for both students and the field of biotechnology. Students benefit from Hands-on Learning; Skill Development; Fostering Creativity; Bridging Theory practice; Research Exploration; Collaboration and Networking; Preparing for Industry; Building a Portfolio; Contribution to Research; Encouraging Lifelong Learning; and Personal Growth. These projects are essential in shaping the next generation of biotechnologists and supporting the growth of the industry. Every year department gets CERD and KSCSTE funding for remarkable 5 projects from APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY and Kerala University. Some of the projects are listed below.
2022-23 | 1. Astudyoftheimpactofvariousdryingtechniquesonthe performance of solid state fermentation processfor Prodigiosin production– Principal Investigator –SusmithaKumariS | CERD,KTU | 50000 |
2. StruviteProduction&TreatmentofDairywasteWaterusingFluidiz edBedReactor–PrincipalInvestigator– Prof GayathriV | CERD,KTU | 50000 | |
2021-22 | 1. ComparitiveStudyofMethodsforrestorationofbiologicalsoilcrust inecosystemsdisturbedbyexcessive surface runoff – Principal Investigator –Prof BijuJacob | CERD,KTU | 45960 |
2. Analysis and Optimisation of Process Parameters for Improving the Self-Healing Capacity of Immobilized Bacteria-Based Concreate– Principal Investigator – Prof Biju Jacob | CERD | 45960 | |
3. Comparative Study of biohydrogen Production in Microalgae and bacteria through a fermentation process– Principal Investigator – Prof Gayathri V | CERD, KTU | 47000 | |
2020-21 | 1. Synthesis of Nanocellulose from Tapioca (Manihot esculenta) stem and leaves and the formulation of a bio nanocomposite film reinforced with tapioca starch and glycerol for bio-packaging- – Principal Investigator – Prof Vineetha Lekshmy P V | CERD, KTU | 40,000 |
2020-21 | 1. Comparative study of different protein sources in self- healing bio concrete by Immobilizing bacteria using rubber sodium alginate carrier. Principal Investigator: Prof. Susmitha Kumari | KSCSTE | 10,000 |
2020-21 | 1. Novel target using Quercetin delivery system for delivery and prevention of cancer stem cells. – Principal Investigator – Dr. Rohini S | CERD | 50,000 |
2021-22 | 1. Effect of Quercetin nanoparticle on Colorectal cancer- Principal Investigator – Dr. Rohini S | KSCSTE | 10,000 |
2021-22 | 1. Antiviral effect of polyphenol-based formulation for the treatment of respiratory infection: in vitro evaluation- Principal Investigator – Dr. Rohini S | KSCSTE | 10,000 |