The laboratory infrastructure is developed with the funding from different sources which include TEQIP and AICTE (MODROB) schemes in addition to the institute fund allocated every year for their renovation and modernization. The scope of the UG laboratories is mainly limited to cater the requirements of the university curriculum for different practical courses. However PG labs are established to cater the research needs in identified advanced technology areas in addition to the curriculum requirements. The labs are equipped with quality hardware and software from reputed brands.
'MINI FABLAB KERALA SCTCE' was setup at SCTCE with support from APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and Kerala Start-up Mission. A FABLAB is a technical prototyping platform for innovation and invention which aims at providing stimulus for local entrepreneurship and serve as a platform for learning and innovation. It is a small scale workhop offering digital fabrication which empowers the users to create smart devices for themselves which can be tailored to local or personal needs. The lab provides students, researchers and technology enthusiasts to take up applied research activities and develop prototypes. Laboratory is equipped with latest machineries, tools and technologies required to facilitate research and prototyping activities. The facilities available are Laser Cutting and engraving machine, 3D printers, Vinyl Cutter and plotter, CNC mill – Shopbor, Sand blaster, Electronic components and Tools, Moulding and Casting, Electronic Test Equipments, Computers etc.
1) Computational Mechanics Lab
A high performance computational facility was opened in the department of mechanical engineering in the academic year 2012-13 to facilitate the students and faculties research/consultancy in this discipline. The facility is equipped with 20 networked workstations for executing computationally intensive engineering analysis and simulation. Network attached storage (Dell power vault 3100) and external drives (CD/DVD/Blue ray formats) are provided to enhance resource sharing and data security. Software licenses are installed in Linux based server. All hardware conforms to the demanding needs of the research community. Research and industry leading commercial codes such as ABAQUS™ and HYPERWORKS™ are available. In addition tothis, several open source software tools are also extensively used for different applications.
2) CIM Lab
CIM Lab is equipped with state of art machines to impart expertise in the field of automation in manufacturing. Major equipments include CNC vertical milling and turning centres, CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine), Rapid Prototype machine, Pickand Place robot, CNC milling and turning duet trainer etc.
3) CAD Lab
Computer Aided Design and Analysis division has two laboratories: one exclusively for the engineering graphics of the first year students and the second one for the Computer Aided drafting purpose of the third semester mechanical students and the Computer Aided Design and Analysis for the pre-final year Mechanical students. These labs are well equipped with 72 desktops of good hardware configuration duly networked with a licensed server. The software available includes latest versions of Auto CAD Inventor,Pro-E and ANSYS Work bench (all with 50 user perpetual licenses). This lab is also extensively used for final year UG projects and PG thesis works.
4) Mechatronics Lab
This lab consists of trainer systems for the control of process parameters such as temperature, pressure, level and flow, PLC Trainer system, Data acquisition system, Vibration analyzer, Machine Fault Simulator, Sound level meter and surface roughness tester. This lab also includes desktops installed with LabVIEW Software.
1) Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Lab
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines laboratory consists of experimental setups for the performance testing of different hydraulic machines. The lab also has facility for the evaluation of different flow parameters. Different plumbing tools are also available for demonstration.
2) Strength of Materials Lab
This lab aims to make the students familiar with mechanical properties of materials. The lab is well equipped with 20T UTM, 3000 kN compression testing machines, torsion testing machine, hardness testing machine, spring testing machine, torsion pendulum, flywheel and impact testing machine.
3) Heat Engines and Thermal Engineering Lab
This lab incorporates experimental setups for the performance testing of IC Engines, Compressors, Blower, Air conditioner etc. The lab also include sophisticated test rig for the performance evaluation of different fuels. The lab also has facility for fuel property testers. The lab also consists of experimental setups to determine different heat transfer parameters.
5) Metrology Lab
This lab equipped with different hand held instruments and gauges used in Metrology of mechanical parts. The lab also includes Profile projector, autocollimator, tool room microscope, etc.
6) Metallurgy & Material Science Lab
This lab consists of necessary infrastructure required for the micro structure study of materials like mild steel, medium carbon steel, high carbon steel, cast iron, brass and aluminium.
7) Moulding Sand Testing Lab
The lab is mainly intended to give hands on experience on moulding sand testing of foundry field. This lab is equipped with state-of-the-art testing equipment like magnetic crackle detector, shatter index tester, permeability tester, sieve analyzer, etc.
Production Tooling Lab
Basic Mechanical Engineering Work Shop