Patents granted/filed
Sl.No. | Name of Faculty | Patent details |
1 | Dr. R Ramesh Kumar, Professor (Adjunct) | Title- ENERGY ABSORPTION CARTRIDGE, Patent No.373231, Date of Grant: 29/07/2021 |
2 | Dr. Abhilash S S | Title - AN IOT AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED SYSTEM FOR WHEEL CHAIR CONTROL (Patent filed), Application No. 202141033560, Date of filing - 26/07/2021 |
Project fund received
Received plan fund of 90 lakhs for setting up the centre for Innovation with Dr. Prakash U, Professor as the Head of Centre. Additional 40 Lakhs was sanctioned for the conversion of Diesel bus to electric from Motor Vehicle Department.
Ongoing funded projects
Sl. No. | Name of faculty | Details of project | Project fund granted (Rs.) |
1 | Dr Mohan G, Professor | Hydrogen Solutions: Storage & Cooling (Five institutes consortia project) under DST scheme | 43 lakhs |
2 | Prof M R Sarathchandradas, Professor (Adjunct) | TDAP scheme of KSCSTE: LNG /CNG conversion of Diesel Engine | 10 lakhs |
3 | Dr R Ajith, Professor & Prof Abhilash S S, Asst. Professor | TDAP scheme of KSCSTE : Float type wave energy converter | 5 lakhs |
4 | Dr Mohan G, Professor | Development of Novel Metal Hydride Thermal Actuators and their Performance Evaluation’ was approved for funding under Research Promotion Scheme (RPS) of AICTE during the financial year 2021-22. As per the proposal a novel metal hydride based thermal actuator is proposed to be developed which can act as a self-sensing thermal actuator with improved characteristics | 19 lakhs |
Partial list of Consultancy work undertaken
Sl. No. | Name of faculty | Details of consultancy Hydrogen Solutions: Storage & Cooling (Five institutes consortia project) under DST scheme |
1 | Dr. Prakash U, Professor | Technical Committee member for the purchase of enforcement equipment’s for Kerala State Police Department |
2 | Dr. Prakash U, Professor | Technical Evaluation Committee for evaluating the speed of a vehicle involving accident of a journalist for the Police Department. |
3 | Dr. Kamal Krishna R | Consultancy work on structural frame analysis of fire engine body for Fire & Rescue Department. |
External talks conducted by faculty
Sl. No. | Name of faculty | Details of event |
1 | Dr. Prakash U, Professor | A technical talk on “FUTURE AUTOMOBILES - LOW EMISSION AND ZERO EMISSION VEHICLES” at Intersociety Weekly Webinar Series Talk conducted by Institute of Engineers |
2 | Dr. Prakash U, Professor | Invited lecture at FDP on “Acoustic Emission” in faculty development program conducted by PES College of Engineering, Mandya, Karnataka on the topic Diagnostic Maintenance of Mechanical Systems on 9 th November 2021 |
Recent training programmes conducted
Sl. No. | Title of programme | Date conducted | Name of coordinators | Departmental Association/ Professional Body, if any | Target group |
1 | The Art Gallery of Engineering Graphics | 2nd Aug to 6th Aug 2021 | Dr. Anilkumar S H & Dr. Arun M | Sponsored by KTU | Faculty members |
2 | Introduction to GD&T | 17th July 2021 | Dr. Anoop Kumar S | ISNT Chapter, SCT College of Engineering | Students |
3 | Outcome based Education and NBA Accreditation | 7th June to 12th June 2021 | Dr. Anoop Kumar S & Dr. Shyji S | Centre for Continuing Education, SCTCE | Faculty members |
4 | Technical Talk on "Energy Management System in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles” by Dr. Ajith V Pai, JLR, UK | 6th June 2021 | Dr. Prakash U | SAE Collegiate Club, SCTCE | Students |
5 | Two days Technical Workshop on "Motor Vehicle Act and Schedules" by MVI Mr. Nazeeb from Motor Vehicle Department | 8th and 9th June 2021 | Dr. Prakash U and Sabu V R | SAE Collegiate Club, SCTCE | Students |
6 | One day talk on “Design and optimization of EV modules using Simulink” by Dr. Nithin Raj, GEC, Wayanad | 8th September 2021 | Prof. V K Chithrakumar | Department | Faculty & students |
Partial List of recent publications