1. Holography Lab
An advanced Holographic research lab and dark room set up is assembled with different equipment for the development of photosensitive material and holography. Holography records and reads more than million bits of data with a single flash of light. This enables hologram-based data storage system to store more information in a smaller space and can offer faster data storage and retrieval. High storage densities and fast transfer rates, combined with durable, reliable media means that holography is poised to become a compelling choice for next generation storage. In addition, the flexibility of the technology allows a wide variety of holographic storage products to be developed, ranging from handheld devices for consumers to large storage products for enterprises.
The objectives of the research facility are listed below:
1. Design and Develop a holographic storage system
2. To find a suitable recording medium for storing holographic data.
3. To develop a new procedure to store holographic data
This facility helps in getting knowledge and meets the industry demand courses, and also helps in developing the theoretical knowledge for better understanding and analyzes complex engineering problems. A project entitled “Design and Development of a Holographic Data Storage System" was completed and awarded A grade under the investigation of Dr. Sheeja M K and Nelwin Raj N R with an amount of 10 lakhs grant under TDAP scheme, funded by KSCSTE and technical support from CDIT.
2. Nanoelectronics and Materials Research Lab
Administrative sanction for an amount of Rs.1 Crore under Plan Fund 2021-22 has been accorded by the Govt. of Kerala for setting up Nanoelectronics and Materials Research Lab. The proposed Research Lab focuses on the research, training and development in the areas of Nanoelectronics, Nanomaterials and Optoelectronics. This Research Lab presents unique opportunity to boost the quality of engineering education, deepen understanding, and provide the necessary practical skills to young minds through cost effective outreach and distance learning activities. Although the major focus of this research facility is in the research/training of in-house researchers and students, the facilities can also be made available to researchers and students from other institutions, laboratories and industry. The proposed lab facility can also be utilized for R&D activities and for doing consultancy works.
This lab will help students to pursue interdisciplinary research across several disciplines with a focus on nanoscale systems. This lab can accommodate research topics such as nanoelectronics circuit design, MEMS/NEMS, nanomaterials and devices, nano- biotechnology, solar cells, energy storage devices, Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) and Long Period Gratings (LPG). The design and testing of nanoelectronics circuits, synthesis of new materials, fabrication and characterization of nano-scale devices are the main research works can be carried out in the proposed Nanoelectronics and Materials Research Lab
3. Innovation Centre for IoT & Wireless Communication
Govt. of Kerala has sanctioned an amount of Rs. 1 Crore under Plan Fund 2022-23 for the establishment of Innovation Centre for IoT & Wireless Communication. The vision of this Innovation Centre is to carry out innovative, collaborative and interdisciplinary research in IoT, blockchain and wireless communication, thereby bridging the gap between academia and industry. The main objective of this research lab is to expose students and research scholars to industry disruptive cutting-edge technology; provide access to a prototyping lab that brings cutting-edge concepts to reality. This research lab provides a platform for students, faculty and research scholars to convert academic research into useful products to society in diverse application areas such as smart home, smart city, connected automobiles, supply chain, healthcare and agriculture.
The innovation centre mainly focus on research areas such as design and development of IoT proof of concepts and prototypes using various IoT development boards such as CDAC IoT research lab kits, Raspberry Pi boards, Arduino boards and Mikroelectronika boards; design new communication protocols and technologies using NetSim Software; develop rapid prototyping for communications systems using LabVIEW Software; experimental study of cognitive radio and radio frequency (RF) power measurements, and experiments on spectrum sensing techniques, simulation studies and implementation of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless communication using software defined radio (SDR) transceivers such as RTL SDR, LimeSDR, HackRFOne, and universal software radio peripheral (USRP) and its accessories. In addition to research activities, this lab focuses on supporting students, research scholars and faculty from other institutions by providing access to the Innovation Centre and through various training and internship programs.