1. Council of Electronics STudies (CEST)
CEST is an association of the faculty and students of the Electronics and Communication Department started in late 90s under the guidance of Dr. Shanthi K.J. with many objectives that gain insights into latest technological developments to the students. With the support and guidance of the faculty, it has been providing the students a platform to sharpen their organizational skills and technical expertise. But later it became inactive for few years. Later in 2014Prof. (Dr.) Sheeja M.K. the former head of the department took the initiative and reconstituted CEST.On 29th August 2014 reconstituted CEST was inaugurated by Dr.Shaji Senadhipan, former principal of the college.
The objectives of the council are:-
To provide students with necessary supportive co-curricular training to enhance their curricular performance.
To update students with recent trends in industry.
To make the students learn new skills and upgrade existing ones.
To focus on setting the perfect platform for students to groom and nurture the quapties of teamwork, leadership, mutual understanding and co-existence and to provide exposure to pubpc and executive communication.
To bridge the distance between the textbook syllabi taught and the practical apppcation in industry.
To provide insight into core research areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Staff-in-charge: Smt. Bindu V.
CEST List of Activities & Achievements
2. IEEE Student Branch
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement oftechnology. IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for thebenefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for abetter tomorrow through highly cited pubpcations, conferences, technology standards, andprofessional and educational activities. This Institution has a very active Student Branch which aims at providing technological advancements to its students and training them to beleaders of tomorrow. The members of IEEE Student Branch SCT are actively involved inorganising various technical workshops. The IEEE students chapter started off in SCT in 2009 and been very vibrant and expanding since then. The chapter grew day by day and now it has a total strength of nearly 70 student members. The student members get an opportunity to keep up to date with the technology and enjoy all the benefits offered to its members. The student chapter focuses on bringing the organizational and professional skill among its members through various activities. The student chapter organized many workshops, expert talks and various competitions for both members and non members. The weekly held seminars helps the members gradually build the confidence in pubpc speech. The creativity and technical quest of the student members were given colours through the student branch Newsletter: epulse. The student chapter encourages students to participate in all the technical activities and help them become more responsible and remain committed to the cause. The chapter helps students learn subjects outside the curriculum by arranging short term training programmes. The student chapter also has a Women in Engineering (WIE) affinity group which encourages participation of women in engineering by funding various activities.
IEEE SB Counsellor: Smt. Deepa A K
IEEE List of Activities & Achievements
3. Cybots
Cybots, the robotics club of SCTCE, formed by students interested in the field of robotics and latest advancements in the robotics industry. It was introduced to provide a knowledge dissemination platform for the students. It also guides their journey into the realm of technology that shapes and nurtures the creative thirst and sculpts the potential of Young Minds. Founded by the students of 2015-19 Electronics and Communication Engineering batch, it comprises of students from all years and works under the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Being one of the youngest clubs of SCTCE, it was formed keeping in mind the competitive nature of today's industry and the need of practical knowledge within students of Engineering. It aims to guide and mentor, students who are interested in the field of robotics, encourage their participation in robotic competitions at inter and intracollege level. Also, the club conducts numerous workshops and competitions in pght of the same, on both peer to peer and professional level.
The objectives of the club are:
To provide various opportunities in robotics and help its members to gather both theoretical and practical experiences by helping them to open up new possible dimensions in the field.
To extend maximum support to the participants of robotics-related competitions and provide technical support to those who are interested in developing their ideas.
To guide enthusiastic freshers and foster their interest in various aspects related to robotics
To undertake a project each year, this is to be completed by the members under the supervision of the experienced students and faculties of the College which in turn gives them the knowledge and experience of the project development.
To foster the skills of teamwork and leadership quapties among individual members.
Staff-in-charge: Smt. Aparna P R