The state-of-the-art laboratories in the department help pave the way for the students towards research and development, besides giving them the necessary practical knowledge that they need to successfully complete the curriculum. The labs are equipped with instruments like Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, Standalone Logic Analyzer, Optical Spectrum Analyzer, MSO, Prototype PCB machine, Microprocessor/Microcontroller/DSP Assembly based kits etc. The software labs consist of high end PCs in addition to software like ORCAD, PSPICE, Comsim, Multisim, XILINX, MATLAB, LABVIEW, to name a few. Audio visual presentations are done in classrooms and labs for effective teaching. High speed leased line internet connectivity with Wi-fi and Optical fiber backbone is available.
1) Electronics Workshop
This lab is fully equipped to give sufficient exposure to students on the fundamental concepts of electronics. This lab enables the student to acquire practical skills on electronic circuit wiring and gives the student a basic awareness of safety measures. This subject also imparts fundamental knowledge of electronic components and familiarizes the students with setting up circuits by soldering and testing them.
2) Electronic Circuits Lab
The experiments conducted in this lab explore the design, construction, and debugging of analog electronic circuits and analog integrated circuits. The lab is well equipped with function generators and measuring instruments like cathode ray oscilloscopes, digital multi meters etc. The students get hands-on experience of designing, implementation and testing of a wide range of analog electronic circuits and analog integrated circuits. Apart from hardware experiments, simulation of the circuits in these areas are also carried out in this lab under the supervision of highly experienced laboratory staff and faculty.
3) Digital Electronics Lab
This lab aims at introducing the basic concepts of digital electronics, principles and applications of digital devices and systems. The experiments conducted in this lab explore the design, construction, and debugging of analog electronic circuits and analog integrated circuits. Apart from hardware experiments, simulation of the circuits in these areas is also carried out in this lab under the supervision of highly experienced laboratory staff and faculty.
4) Communication Engineering Lab
The lab gives exposure to designing, construction and debugging of circuits based on communication systems. The lab is well equipped with instruments like Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (DSO), dual power supplies and Power electronics trainer kits. Experiments on basic to advanced communication systems and power electronics are conducted in the lab under the supervision of highly experienced laboratory staff and faculty.
5) Embedded Systems Lab
This lab is well equipped with the most modern equipment and the latest software. The objective of this lab is to help students to hone their skills in both hardware and software in implementing their project work. The lab has a VLSI development environment based on Altera, Spartan, Cool Runner and FPGA kits. The students learn FPGA programming and simulation through XILINX ISE Software. The lab also has 8051 based Microcontroller kits, PIC Microcontrollers and Microcontroller based development boards. The lab provides complete understanding of the development of embedded applications by training the students in programming and interfacing the various DSP Processors like TMS 320c 6713, 320c 243 using the latest version of Code Composer Studio. Students also learn to operate various high end test instruments, like Spectrum Analyser, Logic Analyser and Arbitrary Function Generator, Frequency Counter etc.
6) Microwave Engineering & Optical Communication Lab
This lab provides practical knowledge of different techniques used for generation, transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves at Giga Hertz frequencies. The lab has fiber optic trainer kits which is used to give an overview of the fundamentals of fiber optics communication and study of analog and digital links.
7) Project Lab - Texas Instruments Innovation Centre
The Project Laboratory has a key role in promoting practical learning experience, a place where students can develop creative proposals, team ethics, execute their final projects and can ignite their research/entrepreneurship skills. The department has a well-equipped industry-supported innovation center cum laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment and software to help the students carry out their projects in diverse areas like advanced microcontrollers, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics and analog/digital signal processing. It also aims at helping students to become entrepreneurs and also to promote research activities in emerging areas.
8) Scientific Computing Facility
The Scientific Computing Lab is the focal point of the department that is used for conducting regular technical training sessions, classes, seminars as well as short term courses on a variety of topics related to Computing and Information Technology. It is well equipped with the latest computers installed with various open source software, communication software and circuit design simulation software which are very essential for B.Tech students in understanding, designing, analyzing the systems and also virtual prototyping the systems. This lab provides a vital role in the promotion of practical learning experience and enhancement of research/ entrepreneurship proficiencies. This lab is also be used for conducting various online examinations.
The department library is well equipped with a total of 1488 books of which 186 are PG related books, 700 are sponsored by TEQIP, and the rest are sponsored by PTA. In addition, various technical papers presented during seminars conducted by the students in the department, mini project and final year main project documentations are made available to the students for reference. Curriculum based video and web courses prepared by eminent professors from IITs and IISc Bangalore are purchased from NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) and CDs are available in the department library.
The department has an exclusive well-furnished and air conditioned seminar hall sponsored by alumni. The state of the art audio visual projection system aids in hosting effective lectures/ seminars on various emerging areas in order to update the knowledge of the faculty and students.