1) Chemical Engineering Workshop
This lab is intended to impart basic knowledge in chemical engineering through simple experiments and demonstration. Students will have thorough understanding of the basic concepts that they learn in the theory course “Introduction to Chemical engineering”.
2) Microbiology Lab
Study of procedures for isolation characterization and cultivation of biological agents called microorganisms for various applications like fermentation; practical studies on cell growth processes, in vitro and in vivo studies on cellular functions, characterization of cell receptors, plant and animal cell/tissue culture processes. Major equipments: Kjeldahl's apparatus, Horizontal and vertical autoclaves, Laminar air flow chambers, BOD incubators, Turbid meters, Hot air ovens and Monocular &Binocular light microscopes.
3) Fluid Flow and Particle Technology Lab
This lab provides the platform for the practical studies on principles of momentum transfer (fluid and particle mechanics), studies on flow measurements, particle size determination, solid/liquid separation techniques, determination of fluid viscosity, particle surface area, porosity etc.
4) Bio Chemistry Lab
In this lab qualitative and quantitative analysis of bio molecules, assay procedures for enzymes, extraction and purification of simple and complex biological molecules are carried out. Major equipments are Cooling centrifuge, Bench top centrifuge, Filter photo colorimeters, UV Visible Spectrophotometers, Magnetic stirrers.
5) Instrumental Methods of Analysis Lab
In this lab study of quantitative methods for analysis of composition of solid mixtures, pure liquids, liquid solutions etc. are done. The lab also provides a practical insight to various techniques like flame photometry, densitometry, conductivity and pH measurements, UV visible spectrophotometer, chromatographic separations (Gel filtration, HPLC, Ion exchange chromatography) etc. Major equipments used here are Flame photometer, Densitometer, Conductivity meter, pH meter, Electrophoresis unit, Refractometer, Polarimeter
6) Biochemical Engineering Lab
This lab helps in the studies on structure and functions of the genetic material (DNA), methods for separating ion and analysis of nucleic acids and proteins (electrophoresis, gel documentation etc.), DNA sequence analysis (PCR based methods), protocols for genetic engineering applications (restriction digestion, legation, bacterial transformation etc.). Major equipments: Horizontal and vertical gel electrophoresis units, Gel documentation system, Thermal cycler (PCR machine), UV Tran illuminator, TLC unit
7) Software Lab
This lab is used for studying various software's like C++, MATLAB, Simulink, CHEMCAD etc. which are essential for biochemical/chemical process design, modelling, control and simulation
8) Heat and Mass Transfer Lab
This lab is proposed for the study of operation of various heat and mass transfer equipments like evaporators, heat exchangers, dryers, distillation columns, extraction units, etc. Major equipments used here are Evaporators, Heat exchangers, Emissivity apparatus, Conductivity apparatus, Steam distillation unit, Natural draft tray dryer, Simple distillation unit, Wetted wall column.
9) Downstream Processing Lab
This lab aids in the study of techniques for recovery, isolation, purification and polishing of bio products like organic acids, amino acids, antibiotics, vitamins, steroids, alcohols etc. produced by fermentation processes. Major equipments are Vacuum filtration, Ultrafiltration, Water purification system, Demineralizer, Laminar air flowchamber, Shaking incubator, Sonicator, Refrigerated centrifuge, TLC unit, BOD incubator, Crystallizer, Fluidized bed dryer, Bead mill, Vacuum oven.
10) Reaction Engineering and Process Control Lab
This lab facilitates the studies on factors influencing rates of chemical reactions, dynamic studies on various processes and equipments, analysis of control systems for process applications.Major equipments are Pneumatic control valve, Temperature control trainer, Thermocouple calibration rig, Liquid level systems, Plug ow reactors, Batch reactors, Cascade CSTRs
11) Environmental Engineering Lab
The Kerala State Pollution Control Board approved Environmental lab of Biotechnology and Biochemical department as a licensed centre for testing of water and waste water for industrial and domestic purposes during the year 2019.Major equipments in this lab are PH meter, Spectrophotometer, Flame photometer, BOD incubator, Polarimeter, Autoclave, Laminarhood, Electronic weighing balance, Centrifuge, Viscometer, Sonicator.
12) Bioprocess Engineering lab
Scope of this lab is to impart practical awareness on various aspects of microbial growth and enzyme kinetics by performing bench scale experiments under controlled environmental conditions. Major equipment here are Bench scale bioreactor (3 L), Orbital shaker, BOD incubator, Laminar air ow chamber.
13) Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology Lab
This lab focuses on major analytical and separation techniques in the Biotechnology lab. The analytical technique includes quantification using spectrophotometry, colorimetry, refractometry, etc. The separation techniques include various chromatography techniques and electrophoresis techniques.
Major equipment includes Single and Double Beam UV VIS spectrophotometer, Column chromatography, Refractrometer, polarimeter, etc.
14) Reaction Engineering and Process Control Lab
This lab provides practical hands-on training on the operation of key equipment in Reaction Engineering and Process Control. The basic principles of Reaction Engineering and Process Control are applied to find the kinetics of chemical/biological reactions and responses of process control systems by performing experiments.
The major types of equipment available in the laboratory are Isothermal Batch Reactor, Isothermal Semi-batch Reactor, Isothermal Tubular Reactor, Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, Cascade CSTR, Straight tube Plug Flow Reactor, RTD Studies in PFR, RTD Studies in CSTR, Single Tank Liquid Level System, Two Tank Interacting System, Two Tank Non- Interacting System, U-tube manometer, Response studies in thermometer, Liquid Level Control Trainer, Temperature Control Trainer, Pressure Control Trainer, etc.
The experimental facilities that are available in the Reaction Engineering and Process Control Lab help the students to compare the different types of reactors and hence would help supplement the knowledge they have gained through theory courses. These experiments are used for addressing the content beyond the syllabus. Experimental modeling using Data acquisition systems is also available in the lab. Using these systems, students can experimentally model the system, design the controller and validate the performance of the designed controller.
15) Software and Bioinformatics Lab
Bioinformatics Lab employs computational methods to elucidate intertwined relationships between proteins, gene sequences, structure, function, interactions, genome, and pathways. The ultimate goal of bioinformatic research is to obtain a new, comprehensive understanding of how structures and functions are coded in molecular sequences and how the functions of molecules are orchestrated in a cell.
Facility for conducting response analysis using simulation software is available in the software lab. MATLAB and SIMULINK software are available in the lab. This lab is designed to promote the understanding of the basic ideas and principles in process control with the aid of control valves and controllers used in industries.
II. Department LibraryThe department library has 226 titles and 356 volumes. The students are given access to old project reports, seminar reports and industrial project reports.