Engineering Chemistry Lab
Well-equipped chemistry and physics labs are functioning under the Department of basic Science. Undergraduate students can use the Engineering Chemistry Lab to learn about engineering chemistry's theoretical concepts in their first year course work. pH metre, conductivity metre, potentiometer, colorimeter, and analytical balance are the main equipment in the Engineering Chemistry Lab. The lab is well-equipped to provide chemistry education in a well-designed, spacious, and well-ventilated laboratory with a capacity to accommodate 32 students in a single session. It gives students a hands-on approach to the different methodologies utilised in engineering applications. During lab sessions, students are taught practical awareness and are trained quantitatively and qualitatively to improve their comprehension and problem-solving abilities.
Engineering Physics Lab
The aim of Engineering Physics Lab course is to make students gain practical knowledge and to correlate with the theoretical studies. They understand the applications of principles in Physics to various practical situations. The experiments are based on the observation of optical phenomena of diffraction, thin film interference, generation of mechanical standing waves, analysis of signals, and study of voltage-strain, current- voltage relations in strain gauge and solar cell. The students get a hands-on experience of the instruments like travelling microscope, CRO, solar cell trainer set, Laser diffraction setup, spectrometer, ultrasonic diffractometer. They are trained to handle the equipments with care and to gain good observation skill of Physical phenomena and data collection necessary in the studies.